

Does your clarinet quartet own four bass clarinets?? If so, this might be for you!
A piece composed for FOUR bass clarinets and covering five octaves in a unquestionably funky way.

Legere Reeds demo featuring Bass-ically

SKU: PSM001 Categories: ,


Does your clarinet quartet own four bass clarinets? If so, this might be for you!
A piece composed for FOUR bass clarinets and covering five octaves in an unquestionably funky way. The 4th part is perhaps the most taxing as it takes the role of a real bass and should drive the piece accordingly. That said, the other parts are not simple with the 1st part being a little on the high side. Not for the faint-hearted this one but live performances I’ve been involved with have always been not only (because of the four bass clarinets in one room!) been a spectacle but also have always gone down extremely well. Well worth the effort!

What’s Included

Bass-ically – PDF Full Score and parts